You are currently viewing Paves the Way: A New Global Innovation Lab for Blockchain, Web3, and AI Projects Paves the Way: A New Global Innovation Lab for Blockchain, Web3, and AI Projects

As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, companies like are taking proactive steps to drive innovation. Recently, made a significant announcement, unveiling its plans to establish a Global Innovation Lab in Singapore. This lab will serve as a dedicated hub for exploring and advancing blockchain technology, Web3, and artificial intelligence (AI). By actively experimenting with frontier technologies and collaborating with strategic partners and hackathons, aims to identify novel applications for these cutting-edge fields. With Singapore’s robust tech-driven ecosystem and position as a global financial hub, the Global Innovation Lab is poised to accelerate the development of the digital asset industry while contributing to the vibrant fintech ecosystem and talent pool in Singapore.


Driving Innovation through Experimentation

The establishment of the Global Innovation Lab underscores’s commitment to driving innovation in the cryptocurrency space. By actively experimenting with frontier technologies, such as blockchain, Web3, and AI, the lab aims to uncover new possibilities and applications. Prash Pandit, the Senior Vice President of Product and Innovation at, highlights the untapped potential of Web3 and blockchain technology. He believes that with the convergence of AI and crypto, there are even more frontiers to explore. The Global Innovation Lab will provide a platform for top talent to collaborate, share ideas, and work towards the realization of innovative solutions for the global community.

Collaboration with Strategic Partners and Hackathons

To maximize the impact of the Global Innovation Lab, plans to collaborate with strategic partners and organize hackathons. These partnerships will bring together diverse expertise and resources, fostering a collaborative environment for exploring new ventures and pushing the boundaries of technology. Through these collaborations, aims to leverage the collective knowledge and experience of industry leaders to drive the development and adoption of blockchain, Web3, and AI. Hackathons, known for their fast paced and creative environment, will further fuel innovation by encouraging participants to ideate and develop novel applications for these technologies.

Accelerating the Digital Asset Industry

Singapore’s unique position as both a tech driven city state and a global financial hub makes it an ideal location for’s Global Innovation Lab. The lab will contribute to the development and growth of the nascent digital asset industry in an innovative and responsible manner. By leveraging Singapore’s strong digital infrastructure and deep talent pool, the lab aims to accelerate the adoption of blockchain, Web3, and AI in the country and beyond. The collaboration with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and other local entities further strengthens the lab’s position as a leading example of responsible innovation in the fintech sector.

Building the Fintech Ecosystem and Talent Pool

The Global Innovation Lab is not only focused on driving technological advancements but also on nurturing Singapore’s fintech ecosystem. recognizes the importance of supporting and fostering local talent in Singapore. As an immediate next step, plans to build a dedicated team for the lab, with additional roles to be established in the future. The lab’s presence will deepen’s roots in Singapore and enable the company to invest in local programs with global scale. This commitment to the local talent pool aligns with Singapore’s goal of leveraging its digital infrastructure and talent pool to drive innovation responsibly.

Recognition at Point Zero Forum’s announcement of the Global Innovation Lab took place at the prestigious Point Zero Forum. This invitation-only forum, jointly organized by the Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) and Elevandi, provides a platform for policymakers, regulators, and industry leaders to exchange ideas and insights in the fintech sector. The participation of in this forum signifies the company’s dedication to legitimizing cryptocurrency and positioning itself as a leader in the industry. It also highlights the global recognition of Singapore’s fintech ecosystem and its potential for fostering innovation.

Recent Achievements and Expansion’s decision to establish the Global Innovation Lab in Singapore comes on the heels of several notable achievements and expansions. The company recently obtained a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license for Digital Payment Token (DPT) services from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). This license enables to offer a wide range of products and services to customers in Singapore, including e money issuance and cross border money transfers. Additionally, has expanded its operations to other regions, such as Brazil and Spain, after obtaining necessary licenses and registrations.

Suspending Services to US Institutional Clients

In response to increased regulatory scrutiny in the United States, announced its decision to suspend services to institutional clients in the country. This move is a result of limited demand and comes amidst heightened regulatory actions against cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance and Coinbase by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While this decision impacts institutional clients, remains committed to providing its services to individual users globally.’s establishment of the Global Innovation Lab in Singapore marks a significant milestone in driving the future of blockchain, Web3, and AI. By actively experimenting with frontier technologies and collaborating with strategic partners, aims to uncover novel applications and solutions for the global community. With Singapore’s supportive ecosystem and talent pool, the lab is well positioned to contribute to the development of the digital asset industry and the fintech ecosystem. As continues to expand its operations globally, its commitment to responsible innovation remains unwavering.


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